The Stand 'n Plant Hand-Held Seeder was developed at Olliver's Vegetable Farm in Saltsburg, PA where it has been in use since 1986. Acres of pumpkins of all sizes, gourds and thousands of onion plants plus small quantity specialty crops, i.e. zucchinis, were planted using this innovative seeder tool. Onion plants and seeds were planted in plastic covered beds using closer spacing and multiple rows.
The Stand 'n Plant Hand-Held Seeder is made of durable, lightweight PVC construction for years of maintenance free operation. By design, there is no metering device. What you drop down the tube is what you plant. Farmers use this seeder to re-plant seeds that have not sprouted or when the use of big machinery is not feasible. This is a labor-saving garden tool that no serious home gardener or commercial gardener should be without.
- Available in Standard 52" size or Shorter 44" for people 5' 4" and under.
- Seeder Replacement Straps also available.
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Onion planting day on the Olliver Farm with the Stand 'n Plant Seeder
Drop seed or bulb into funnel end of the Seeder
Seed must be as large or larger than cucumber seeds.
Poke seeder into prepared seed bed
Squeeze strap fo release seed or bulb.
Pull from ground
Seed or bulb is firmly planted 1" below surface.
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